About AACS
Inspiring cultural enrichment and friendship and fellowship
African American Cultural Society, Inc. is a federally registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Its activities are fully governed by its Articles of Incorporation as a Florida nonprofit corporation, its By-Laws and its Standing Rules.
The nine-member Board of Directors has authority to exercise all corporate powers subject to the limitations of the governing documents. The Board’s highest priorities are to formulate long-range goals and objectives, and to develop plans for major fundraising.
The Executive Board, headed by the President, establishes policies to govern day-to-day operations, reporting activities on a monthly basis to the Board of Directors.
The President is AACS’ chief administrative officer with authority over standing and ad hoc committees. Other officers on the Executive Board are the First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Chaplain, Sergeant-at-Arms and Parliamentarian.
Stephanie E. Matthews – Board Chairperson
Joseph T. Jones – President